Monday, October 28, 2013

Summer storms

Summer definitely went out with a bang this year. We had two giant storm systems come through our area- one of them being the tail-end of a monsoon off the pacific ocean. We had gusts of wind that were clocked (in Warden) at 95 mph and someone told us that winds over 75 mph are technically considered tornado strength. Yikes! At the height of this storm in mid-September, the power went out around 7:30 pm and we heard a loud THUMP.....and this is what we saw in the morning. 

<<<<<<<<<< we're missing our car!! 

Our car is buried under there!!! >>>>>>>

Anyway, we were thankful that the tree came down on the car, instead of on the house. It was just lucky that the wind blew it that way. Our insurance has estimated the damage at 
$6,900. Thank goodness for insurance!